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curated with care


Lexi as "Hella Bush" for Baby Bushka created voice and plant magic ritual offerings for the patreon "School of Magic" project in 2021. 

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The Tenam Studio 15-minute M-F performance art project is being recorded and uploaded to youtube. Over 200 shows since June 20th 2022.

Check out more details at 


Coming soon

- kilikkili bread and salt

- solo at black cat

- duo at sycamore den
- nancy and lexi recent thing

"Aesthe" was Tenam Studio's first curated concert event November 13, 2022. Those in attendance experienced an entirely acoustic fusion of original jazz music and performance art synthesizing the diverse compositional minds of Matt DibiaseSean Hicke, and Lexi Pulido. The chosen title, “Aesthe” represents the woven line of commonality through which these composers draw together their differences of style and instrumental perspectives. 

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"What are the riches of this world"

Performers Katie Berns and Lexi Pulido

Created December 2022 - January 2023


The bed is the personal church. A place to sort through and sift, to weep and whisper, to make ties and break them. It is a place to hold us in our relentless need to rest, with the hope that we may surrender and bow to whatever unfolds. We must allow sleep, as we must allow ourselves to feel and to heal and trust in the deep internal urge to do so. What are the riches of this world? addresses the duality of our lives asleep and awake, of memories lived and dreamed, inclinations of masochism and self care through action and reflection. The bed/church/body offers us healing in the present tense. It is happening now. It is an ongoing process, inherent to life. It is here, in the figuring-it-out. This piece brings healing, rest, and relationship into abstraction and functions as a tool for personal processing




The concept behind Soul Challenge was born at Lexi's Birthday party in 2020. Pulido designed site-specific performance concepts for her friends at the beach with two components, a physical task and a mental task. The general rule for the prompts is that they cannot be accomplished any better or worse depending on performance skill because the prompts rely on accomplishing straightforward tasks. If the performer accomplishes both the physical and mental task, the performance is a success. This design was made to be inclusive of all skill levels and create meaningful experiences for those involved. Pulido has since written performances for 3 additional birthday parties, an event at the Template, an event at her studio, Tenam Studio. A few more were written for the Adams Ave Street Fair in 2022 as an installation in the Tenam Studio side patio.

In the vein of Soul Challenge, Lexi has also hosted two parties for her surrounding community of artists involving prompt-based, themed performances. One in July 2022  where attendees were instructed to dress as an insect or plant. A few hours into the event, plants were instructed to write their greatest wisdoms on sticky notes, stand still where they are. They were to hold the wisdoms out with their hands. Bugs were tasked with shuffling the sticky notes. Then, the plants were brought to a single location where they were to read the wisdoms with which they ended up out loud while the bugs hummed harmoniously. The other themed party, "Decadence" was comprised of site-specific performances for Lexi's house and community pool. 7 Performances were framed to represent the theme as a process from the tease of gluttony to spiraling madness. One particularly hilarious one involved melting a stick of butter and asking each person present to drink a sip.

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These events were intended as a space to discuss existential questions. The only rule for attendees was "the answer is the question." Pulido curated interactive art installations and prompts for attendees.

Check out the details

July 10 What is goodness?

July 17 What is evil?
July 24 Where do good and evil meet?

July 31 What feeds the war between good and evil?

August 7 Why are we here?

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MALP is a performance art duo comprised of Michelle Arneson and Lexi Pulido dressed as armless creatures. exist to experience and to be seen in motion.

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